Shiloh, along with her brother Simba, ended up in foster care when their family, unfortunately, lost their home. With nowhere to go and hotels that wouldn't allow cats, they were being kept in the car. Realizing this wasn't the best solution, they made the heart-wrenching call for help. As hard as it was for this family to give up their beloved pets, they knew it was the best thing to do.
Shiloh is the shy girl (it fits her) and is most content sleeping in her box or on the kitty tower. She does enjoy her wet food and snacks, much like her brother, but eats much slower. She likes to lay near you and will come for pets, but she is not the snuggler that Simba is. They are not from the same litter but were raised together as babies.
They haven't been around dogs or other cats before their foster home and were with older children. Simba is curious about the resident cats but won't engage; Shiloh is not a fan! They are both very well mannered and litter box trained.