Latest News Items:
Closed for Christmas Holiday -- Friday December 22nd, 2017
So that our foster homes and volunteers may spend time with their families this Christmas season, Purr-Fect Match will be "closed" from 12/25/2017 until 1/2/2018. We hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday!
MAYA - HELP NEEDED! -- Friday June 5th, 2015
Maya, is a sweet rottie mix that was an owner surrender in SC. She was diagnosed with heartworm and after her treatment, she traveled to WI. During her travels, the volunteers noticed that she seemed to have some leg / knee issues.
We had MAYA taken to several veterinarians and she was diagnosed with torn knee ligaments. Her right knee is almost 100% torn and her left is about 75% torn. HOW CAN SHE WALK YOU MAY ASK? Maya has built up scar tissue and bone remodeling to try and help her stay on her feet.
So what happens if Maya jumps, runs or twists going after a ball? Well, Maya's 75# frame wont be able to support her and she is liable to lose the ability in one leg. Since the other leg is also bad, she may not be able to take on the additional strain. It is highly possible that she will lose use of her hind legs and be euthanized because it will be too late to help her.
Maya Needs Surgery.
We have surgery scheduled for July 21, 2015 at Country Care Vet in Green Bay Wi. They will repair the right (the worse) knee. With all surgery - it costs money. We need $2100 to cover the cost of the surgery. CAN YOU HELP US? The surgery will allow MAYA to be a dog again. She will have full use of her legs / knees after the surgery is complete.
We are a small rescue, with limited funds. We wouldn't bail on MAYA and with your help, we can get the surgery done quickly so MAYA can begin to enjoy life again.

AMAZON SMILE! -- Friday April 17th, 2015
HERE IS AN EASY WAY TO HELP Purr-fect Match Animal Rescue. When you order online from AMAZON - use AMAZON SMILE! It is the same great deals as Amazon, only Amazon will donate a percentage of your order to Purr-fect Match Animal Rescue! You don't have to do anything extra AND you are ordering the items anyway - why not allow AMAZON to give a little back?
Log into
Choose your recipient as PURR-FECT MATCH ANIMAL RESCUE
Every time you want to order from Amazon - be sure to go to
It's that EASY!
HARRIS IS IN THE HOUSE! -- Monday February 2nd, 2015
- Reaction to New People: Friendly
Hello! I am Harris a lab retriever mix. I came from South Carolina where I under went treatment for heartworm. I traveled January 31 to Wisconsin, but had a long ride. I got stuck in the snowstorm and had to stay longer in Ohio and Indiana. I am a 2.5 year old lab mix that is ready for my forever home ! I am a very sweet boy that loves everyone - I am good with most dogs and LOVE kids. I am a good boy and am housetrained. I would love to go to school as I am told that I could use help with my manners. I need a home that will give me lots of attention and a yard to play in. If you are interested in meeting me, don't wait and fill out an application today !
Welcome Sam and Hank! -- Tuesday November 18th, 2014
Sam and Hank are packing their bags for their Freedom Ride to Wisconsin ! They will be leaving South Carolina Saturday Nov 22 early in the morning and will rest in Indiana Saturday night. They will be up early Sunday and drive the rest of the way and arrive in Sheboygan later afternoon! After we have a chance to get them settled, we will have a meet and greet set up at a local pet store!
CAN'T WAIT ? Fill out an application and get pre-approved! That way once they are ready to find their forever home the paperwork is already done!
Sam is a black lab mix, a young age 8 that has a lot of life left. He was surrendered to a shelter in SC and it was determined he had heartworm. The only way out is if a 501c3 rescue pledges to take them. We were granted some additional funding from RADAR and off Sam went to start his treatment. He is a very social boy that loves everyone! He is calm, easy going and loves to dance for a treat!
Hank is a coonhound at the young age of 5. He was a stray, who also had heartworm. He too, was treated and is now healthy and ready for a home. He had defied the odds of the stereotypical coonie because he is very calm, loving and gentle. He loves kids, cats and other dogs.
If you have room for either Sam or Hank, please fill out an application or email us for more information
Bandit - Yellow Collared Macaw Needs a Home -- Wednesday October 29th, 2014
UPDATE - BANDET HAS BEEN ADOPTED! My name is Bandit and I am looking for a loving home. In my past I was mistreated so I can be fearful at times but once I trust you I am very sweet. Once in awhile I lose my balance. I love to talk and say my name. I do not screech very often. I love to hang out on my play stand. As with all birds, there is always a chance of being bit so people that are educated about birds would be the best fit and a home where no one will tease me or get angry at me for being who I am. My colors are beautiful! I am a yellow collared macaw. I am about 12 inches tall. I do not need a real big cage because I like to be out during the day on top.
Abandoned Dogs Looking for a home -- Tuesday October 28th, 2014
UPDATE! All three of these pup have found a forever home ! Thank you for everyone that helped share their search for a purr-fect match !
These Adorable pups have been abandoned at a dog kennel. They were dropped off with a bag of food, blanket and some toys. The owner does not respond to emails, phone calls or knocks at the door. After all the legalities, the dogs now belong to the kennel and are in search of a forever home. The pugs are Rhea and Kashmir and the Jack Russell Terrier is Freedom. Ideally, the dogs would like to stay together, but they can be separated. The kennel is asking a rehoming fee of $150 per dog to recoup her kennel costs. The dogs are not with Purr-fect Match - this is a matchmaking service to help dogs find a forever home. If you are interested in a dog, please go tot he Adoption Tab and complete an application. Which will be forwarded to the kennel. Keep in mind, the kennel is looking for the best home for the dogs, not first come first serve.

BRYAN HAS ARRIVED! -- Sunday October 26th, 2014
Welcome to Wisconsin BRYAN! It was a long ride from SC to WI, but well worth it! You have survived heartworm and are ready to find a forever home! Bryan is a boxer mix and a very sweet boy. He is a smaller sized dog, about 40# and not quite knee high. He is a gentle boy that loves other dogs and kids... we have not tested him on cats yet. He is housebroken and knows some commands. He loves to snuggle and take long walks. If you are interested in Bryan, please fill out a non-binding application under the ADOPTION TAB for pre-approval.

Bryan Is Coming to Wisconsin but Help is Needed! -- Thursday October 23rd, 2014

Bryan will arrive in Wisconsin soon ! Bryan was involved in a neglect case with another dog named Bonnie. Bryan was heartworm positive and while he was awaiting the court case results, he was sponsored by another rescue so his treatment could begin. When the court case was finalized that rescue was full and didn't have room for him. Sadly, Bryan was neglected again... Purr-fect Match was asked to help! We were able to step up, but because he was at the kennel longer than expected, he needs additional funds of $120 for his kennel stay. Please help us pay for his kennel stay. Click on the DONATE tab and use your paypal account or you can send a donation to: PFM, PO BOX 44, Kohler. WI 53044. Please note BRYAN in the memo line. Thank you!

TANNER -- Monday October 20th, 2014

Tanner has arrived! He is much smaller than we expected, but still a very sweet boy. He is about 2 years old and a black lab mix. He is very shy and will need lots of love! He is great with cats and kids over 10yrs. He would do best with another dog that is mellow. He is fearful when there is a lot of excitement or high energy dogs. If you are interested in meeting Tanner, please complete an application under the Adoption tab. It is non-binding, so if Tanner is not the best match, we can help you find another animal that best fits your family.
COMING SOON - DOGS! -- Friday October 17th, 2014

We will have 3 new dogs coming soon to PFM that will be available for adoption! Watch for Tanner, male, Black lab mix that should arrive Oct 19. Bryan, male, boxer mix, who should arrive by the end of October and Sam, male black lab who will arrive by Thanksgiving. If you are interested in adopting any of these animals, you can be pre-approved by going to our Forms/App Tab and complete an application. It is non-binding should it not be the Purr-fect match once you meet the dog. If you are approved, your application is good for 1 year on any of our adoptable animals. Check back for updates on our coming soon animals!

COMING SOON - KITTENS!! -- Friday October 17th, 2014

We will soon have 6 - make that 7 - kittens available for adoption! They are socializing with their foster mom, so they aren't ready to go yet, but check back for updates and more photos! If you would like to adopt one of these cuties, you can get pre-approved by completing a non-binding application under our Form/App Tab. The application is good for one year on any of our adoptable animals, so if these kittens are not the Purr-fect match for you, we can find you one that is! Watch for updates and more photos as these cuties are ready for their furrever home!
Welcome Dean, Millie and Bradley - dogs from South Carolina -- Thursday October 16th, 2014

Meet Dean (10 mo. old yellow lab mix), Bradley (4 yr. old pit mix), and Mille (3 yr. old beagle mix)! They were all transported using from Greenville, OH to West Bend, WI the afternoon of Saturday, September 27. And what a treat! The last leg was flown by's President, Chris Roy, himself. It was his HONOR to be part of the first official transport. It was also a monumental day because this transport shows the versatility of's software, which allows for ground, aviation, or the combination of BOTH ground AND aviation transport! Let the revolution begin! The team wishes to THANK EACH AND EVERY person involved in the rescue of these sweet pups. If you would like to see more pictures (and read about the journey through the dog's eyes), head to our facebook page and check out our photo album! (to see the story-telling, make sure you click on each picture and read the caption!)

Millie has found her forever home, Dean went to his forever home on Oct 11 and Bradley will go to his forever home on Oct 18 - all three dogs were adopted in less than a month! So happy for them! Check out more photos by clicking this link or pasting it into your browser:
Starving, emaciated cat finds PFM! -- Thursday October 2nd, 2014
In late August, PFM volunteers were made aware of an adult cat visiting a friend's home where food had been put out for her. The cat was reported to be extremely thin and sickly. The friend had contacted area humane groups but help was not forthcoming quickly enough for this cat. Our volunteer took matters into her own hands and immediately picked up the cat and took her to the vet, where she was diagnosed with extreme dehydration, starvation, and anemia (see the first photo).
Treatment was started but it was too little, too late, and a week later the cat, now named Denver, was rushed to Lakeshore Veterinary Specialists for emergency care. She remained at the hospital for 4 days receiving IV fluids, dextrose to combat dangerously low blood sugar, and liquid diet through a naso-gastric tube (see the second photo). Her vet said that she had been starved for so long that her body had slowly adjusted to virtually no food and little liquids. He was surprised she was still alive. Her prognosis was guarded. Further tests revealed a possible blood parasite. Antibiotics and steroid treatment began.
When Denver came home, treatment continued with medication and tube feedings 4 times daily. Denver couldn't stand to eat or use the litter box. She lost all the fur on her legs and belly due to constant irritation from lying in her waste. It was a difficult time for Denver and her caretakers. PFM volunteers tag-teamed her care and everyone prayed for this survivor of a street cat. We watched as she slowly gained weight and struggled to sit, stand and take a few steps on her own (see the third photo). Then came the day when she began to eat canned food, then dry food and treats! One day she decided it was time to clean and she groomed her furless skin until she was too tired to continue. That was the sign we were waiting for!
Since then Denver has continued to improve, eating on her own enough so that the ng tube could be removed. Recent blood tests showed that Denver's blood is increasing in volume and her anemia is resolving. With continued good food, encouragement, and love we think she may completely recover from the trauma of abandonment and years of life on the streets. It is easy to see how much better she looks and feels in the last photo. Good girl, Denver! We are all very proud of you! A special thanks to the veterinarians and clinic staff that helped with Denver's care, and to Carolee, our communicator friend who helped us to carefully prepare each small step we needed to take while caring for Denver during the most crucial days. You are all very special people!
DECLAWED PAIR SAVED -- Saturday June 28th, 2014
Oreo and Tuxedo were rescued by a family responding to our Facebook plea a few hours before they were set to be taken to the Humane Society!! Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who shared the post and to the family who found their perfect match by taking these boys into their hearts and home.
We have received updates every day since then, and the two are adjusting well. They are playing and following their new mom around the house.
Life is good when we can help animals and people in need! It is excellent when the two happen at the same they tend to do!
DECLAWED BONDED PAIR NEEDS HOME -- Wednesday June 18th, 2014

We have been informed that a very sweet, bonded pair of brothers (Oreo and Tuxedo), who are declawed, will be losing their home and taken to a shelter within a couple of days if a forever home or foster home is not found. They have been around infants and young children, are gentle, happy, loving, and sweet. Help us help them by either giving them a loving home or letting Purr-Fect Match know if you can foster these boys. Although PFM does NOT declaw their cats, we certainly help find homes for those who already are!!
Kittens survive, tail lost -- Saturday October 5th, 2013
For two weeks, the two kittens who were near death (whose names are now Cole and Diesel) are gaining weight and we feel that they are on their way to a healthy, happy life!!!
Diesel and Cole (grey and black) have successfully gone from their first foster home who got them to the point where they had meat on their bones, to their new foster home. These photos are from the new foster home.
SHOCK: Cole lost the tip of his tail two days ago, on 10/3/13!! We think it must have gotten too cold in the cement cistern under the trailer home or have been squished by something before we got him. Anyway, he is doing fine and we have photos of the tail "piece." However, I think I will put in a new photo of the two kittens instead of the tail piece!

Kittens Found Near Death -- Saturday September 28th, 2013

On September 18, 2013, I got a call that two 3-week old kittens had been found under a trailer home, been rushed to Healthy Paws Vet Clinic, and were near death. They were found in a cement cistern where they had lost most of their body heat--they were cold and feared dead. Mama kitty apparently hadn't fed them for awhile. She, herself, did not have enough food to give much nourishment to her little ones. The management at the trailer park had forbidden feeding cats--hoping, I suppose, for the cats to just go away. But it is the little ones who suffer most.
The folks at Healthy Paws worked on these tiny ones to get their body temperature back up and to try to feed them some milk replacer. I diligently tried to find a foster mom who was home during the day who was willing to bottle feed these kittens and give them a chance at life. Fortunately, Linda agreed to do the initial caretaking and give these two babies a fighting chance. Our little gray/brown tabby needed an antibiotic to help fight an infection that had set in. Both he and his black brother needed eye ointment. After that, heat, milk and some AD were all we could do for them.
Then I got a call I had been dreading on September 24th. "I found a third kitten" was the message. But this kitten had been with the mama cat and she had been feeding him! He was much bigger than his brothers and ready to start eating milk and canned food from a bowl. We brought him in since he had already been removed from his mother, and reunited the brothers. He needs to be separated from the littler two when they cannot be supervised, as he thinks it is time to play, and they are just now getting their strength. In a few days or a couple of weeks, the three should be romping around together and (hopefully) will forget their rough beginnings. They will be ready for a healthy life. In a few weeks or months, they will be available for adoption.
Not feeding the feral cats is NOT an answer. Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR) IS. Look in your area for programs to help humanely reduce the feral cat population and eliminate (or greatly reduce) the occurrence of kittens going hungry. Feed your feral cats and give them a safe place to stay, but alter them so there will be no more kittens. Not every kitten is found and placed in a loving home. In our area, we have Two Left Paws Animal Sanctuary who is actively involved in TNR. You can find out more at their website:!programs/cewq .
Our heartfelt thanks go out to the vets, techs and others at Healthy Paws Vet Clinic for their tireless support of these babies. We also thank Linda and Ken for what they have done to bring the wee ones through what we hope is the worst of it!